
tambura orchestra

About us

The Pendergő Orchestra was founded at the University of Szeged, in 2015; to the University Music Competition, where they received the first prize. After that, they got more and more invitations, so they have continued. The band is currently based in Ada, Serbia. They held instrumental trainings in Vojvodina and Hungary and teach regularly in cultural associations and schools. Both Hungarian and Yugoslavian tambura plays, have an important role in their repertoire, because the nationalities that live together, had a small effect on each other's culture. With their music, they want to give everyone joyful moments, in today's fast-paced world, to stay away from the everyday.

Odett Bognár 

Vocal, alto tambura

Balázs Csonka 

Lead tambura, citera, accordion

Oszkár Csuvik 

Contra tambura, contrabass

Dávid Hajagos 

Bass tambura, cello tambura

Kristóf Apró 

Alto tambura

Péter Zombori 

Alto tambura, lead tambura, cello tambura

Awards, recognitions, albums:

Pendergő: Bácskai Duna mente muzsikája (2022)

Életképek a vajdasági Tisza mentéről (2022)

Csonka Ferenc Halmos Béla hegedűjével (2020)

Táncház – Népzene 2020 (Record Series)

KÓTA National Qualifier - Aranypáva díj (2019)

KÓTA National Qualifier - Special Award (2019)

Ferenc Kádár National Competition - Golden degree (2019)

Pendergő: A vajdasági Tisza mente muzsikája (2019)

KÓTA Region Qualifier - Excellent degree (2018)

Dance House - Folk Music 2018 (Record Series)

SZTE, University Music Competition I. place (2015)

For organisers

In "Organizers" you can find the band introduction text in Hungarian and English, logo, photos of the band, rider. With the "Invitation, quote request" button, you can fill out a form that you can use to contact the band.

Photos: Kovács Pécskai Emese, Cvitkó Beatrix, Figura Imre, Kovács Áron, Budimlity Ármin

Logo: Batke Bendegúz
